
ユヴァンナー先生の舞踊家としての背景をお話されたときの文章です。English version follows.
ソーム オークン。

My name is Om Yuvanna, I was born in 1956, my father is Mr. Om Kem Huot and my mother is Mrs. Un Bo. I am the second child among 5 brothers and 2 sisters, my father was a national bank Official, my mother was a professor of royal classical dancing which was leaded and supported by the Queen Kosomak Nearyroath, the mother of our former King Norodom Sihanouk Vormann. During that time my mother was a royal classical dancer who practiced dancing in the royal palace, I remember that when I was 4-5years old my mother already had 5children more, she have so many small children so she could not perform anymore but she started teaching dancing. Every time of teaching my mother bring me with her so that I could see and self practice with her students, that made me learned of dancing before general education, I started to study general education in Malika school when I was 9years old. My family which had mother who was a royal classical dancer, under the controlled of the King and living in two opposite wooden flats which was called “Thaev”, it was the King’s gift not only for my family but for other traditional dancers’ families. In 1960, my family’s members had grown up till could not live in this flat, then my father had bought one bigger house around Silep market in Sangkat 6. During my live, I studied art much more than literature. I started my first performance when I was 6years old, it was about exercise for hands and legs, Bophalokeiy (Flowers Dance), Kbachbart Kleiy (the short base lesson in dancing), and when I was 10-11-12 years old I performed Robam Chhmar (Cat dance), Robam Moan (Chicken dance), Robam Sovann Machha (Fish dance), Robam Me Ambao (Butterfly dance), Robam Sek Sarika ( Parrots dance), and in 1965-66, I performed Robam Buongsuong (Praying dance) at Watt Phnom (Daun Penh Mountain), in Prahkeo Morokott Temple (The Royal Palace) and many other places.
One point which makes me more love this art field is the world’s interesting and compliment in Cambodian arts, during Sangkum Reastr Niyum (was led by the King Sihaknouk, during 1960s) and under the leadership of Queen Kosomak Nearyroath, the Cambodian art was great developed in technical, luxury and grace. All the jewelries for dancing were made of gold and silver with diamonds and garnets, the actress and actor used golden crown with diamonds and the supernumeraries used silver crown with garnets (in my mother’s performance duration not yet developed like that). I was also lucky; I did wear the golden crown during my performance as the actress in Robam Tepmonorum (Angels and divinities dancing), Robam Buong Suong (Praying Dance), Robam Sovannmachha (Fish dance). During 1972-1973, my dancing team and I were invited by Thailand to perform in their country (I went there with professors and senior famous dancers), at there I performed Robam Apsara (Angel dance), Robam Mittpheap (Friendship dance), and many other dances which were appreciated by Thailand, we were so glad for this success.
I am so proud that my country has so many cultures resources which we can keep and show to our young generation to make them know, love and develop the great culture which their ancestors left for them in Khmer Views.
Unfortunately this dream of Cambodian people and also mine was quickly ruined by a very cruel war which started in 1970. Just in short time the broken of Cambodian internal friendships among politicians made Cambodia changed so many political forms many times till Cambodian people nearly can not remember all the view of flags and national anthem which they passed through in it but only pain and sorrows. Since I was a small child till now I am still being as the dancer I have met many difficulties, tiredness and very little amount of salary and earning but still I love dancing just as I love my life because job, love and honor in my life, I got them by art and my present here and as well as in other countries because of art. I am always with art only Po Pot regime that made my life was away from art and family. My father was tortured by the black shirts team (Pol Pot’s Solders) while he was innocent till he died in Tuol Sleng prison (Tuo Sleng National Museum, now). During that period, people died because of hunger, of diseases, of insect biting, of working too hard, and because of Angkar (word used in Pot Pot regime means Pol Pot’s Government) killed by accusing that they did some thing wrong against Angkar or they were the enemy of Angkar. For me, after leaving Phnom Penh city, Angkar sent my family to be the slave in Phnum Srok District, Battambang province. Angkar forced me to work all kind of works even some works were not the women’s works and impossible for women to do, I still remember, one day Angkar sent me to build a big dyke, I slipped down from the 10 meter-height dyke, made my feet and hips serious injured and became cripple for 4 months, Angkar still give works, even I could not walk during that 4 months, I had to braid the thatch. This pain is still with my life till now; even life is struggle but during Pol Pot regime was too much struggled and made millions people cripple and die. But there are still some Khmer people survived; I am the one among all of them. We had struggled without hope but the angel never lets Khmer people disappear from this world. The Genocide Regime was eliminated and replaced by the new one. From 7th January1979, releasing from 3 years, 8 month and 20 days of the black dark regime has brought my life to meet the art again. Other old professors and I who survived had tried from nothing difficulty to re-build what were ruined because at that time we lacked of things, clothes, materials and food. Even our life was very poor but the love and struggle made the light that was almost totally ruined started lighting again step by step. We have collected from what we remembered and finally it re-appears for me, for you and for people in the world and effective contributes to the education of the virtue, social moral and contributes to build culture of peace for the world.